Meiying Qin


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last upated: 2020-06-23


  • 2021-01-27 An Youtube video made by Softbank Robotics included video from my Animal Robot Interaction paper can be found: For more details on the research, please click here.

  • 2020-05-27 A media report in Chinese by Sina on my Animal Robot Interaction paper can be found: For more details on the research, please click here. Note: Aibo was not included in the study because we do not have access to an Aibo. Aibo with proper behaviours is considered as a social robot. In a previous study mentioned in my paper, although only for a few seconds, dogs did display social responses as if they were interacting with another dog.

  • 2020-05-27 A media report in Chinese by TechNews on my Animal Robot Interaction paper can be found: For more details on the research, please click here. Note: Aibo was not included in the study because we do not have access to an Aibo. Aibo with proper behaviours is considered as a social robot. In a previous study mentioned in my paper, although only for a few seconds, dogs did display social responses as if they were interacting with another dog.

  • 2020-05-25 A media report in Chinese by Leiphone on my Animal Robot Interaction paper can be found: For more details on the research, please click here. Note: Aibo was not included in the study because we do not have access to an Aibo. Aibo with proper behaviours is considered as a social robot. In a previous study mentioned in my paper, although only for a few seconds, dogs did display social responses as if they were interacting with another dog.

  • 2020-05-13 A media article by IEEE Spectrum on my Animal Robot Interaction paper can be found: For more details on the research, please click here. Note: Aibo was not included in the study because we do not have access to an Aibo. Aibo with proper behaviours is considered as a social robot. In a previous study mentioned in my paper, although only for a few seconds, dogs did display social responses as if they were interacting with another dog.